Spectral Geology  

This course focuses on the use of spectroscopic methods to obtain geological information related to, for example, minerals and rocks, mineralised and geothermal systems, soils and other natural materials. It is designed for students with a solid understanding of Earth Sciences who wish to use state-of-the-art spectroscopic methods to analyse the mineral content and texture of samples. The course will cover the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiation of different wavelength ranges (e.g. visible, near- & short-wave infrared, as well as long-wave infrared). The students will be involved in laboratory measurements with various imaging and non-imaging spectroscopic instruments, and compare and contrast the results with those from other mineralogical and geochemical analytical methods. The course further contains a component on statistical data processing and (semi-) quantitative spectral modelling techniques derived from current research. These analytical techniques will lead to information on the mineralogy and mineral chemistry of samples, as well as Earth surface parameters. The students will experiment with, validate and compare multiple approaches, investigate their assumptions and limitations, and critically evaluate their suitability to solve Earth science problems.
flipped classroom
This research-informed course contains lectures to introduce new theory, reading assignments and other self-study exercises with associated feedback sessions to deepen the theory, and supervised and unsupervised practicals to put the theory into practice. The course furthermore contains hands-on introductions to some key GeoScience Laboratory instruments. Overall, the course has a very strong experiential learning component. The course will be completed by a group assignment in which skills from the course will be applied to an authentic sample set to produce a useful dataset and relevant scientific results in, as much as possible, a real-world context.
Students from other specializations and programmes should have introductory level experience with GIS and Remote Sensing, have an affinity with Earth sciences, and have a good background knowledge of rocks and minerals. ,Compulsory for the Applied Remote Sensing for Earth Sciences (ARS) specialization of the Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (M-GEO) programme. Students from other specializations and programmes should have introductory level experience with GIS and Remote Sensing, have an affinity with Earth sciences, and have a good background knowledge of rocks and minerals.
Spectral Geology


Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation